Sunday, September 15, 2013

Images from Democracy Square this Sunday morning (2/3)

Seen and heard on Ms. Theary C. Seng's Facebook accounts: 
 Go to these Facebook pages for captions/narratives.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Very Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

15/09/2013, le premier jour de grande manifestation à Phnom Penh,
 Tout le peuple Cambodgien, comme un seul homme, se rassemble sur la place Démocratique où se trouvent les hommes, les femmes, les moines et tous ceux qui ont soif de liberté, de démocratie et de justice. Et ils réclament à haute voix la justice et la transparence de vote. En levant les mains, les manifestants crient « la justice !la justice !)
Cette réclamation est destinée aux pouvoirs publics, NEC, au roi et à ceux qui ne veulent pas comprendre ni entendre.
La justice, aux yeux de tout le peuple, est au-dessus de tous. Et lorsqu’il y a l’injustice, tout le peuple se tient debout.
La justice est notre force. Personne ne résiste à cette force. La justice ne se limite pas à notre frontière, le Cambodge. Elle est au delà .Elle est universelle.

15/09/2013, the first day of mass demonstration in Phnom Penh

All Cambodian people, as one man collects on the Democratic square where men, women, monks and all those who thirst for freedom, democracy and justice. And they call aloud the fairness and transparency of the vote. Raising his hands, protesters shouted "Justice! Justice!)

This claim is for governments, NEC, the king and those who do not want to understand or hear.

Justice in the eyes of all the people is above all. And when there is injustice, all the people standing.

Justice is our strength. Nobody can resist this force. Justice is not limited to the border, Cambodia. It is beyond. It is universal.


Anonymous said...

I feel disgusted each time I see Theary Seng's face in these photos. Photos of demonstration and her 'reporting' on the election are just flimsy pretext to post her photos.

How narcisist can one be? I think she must have serious psychological problems.

Anonymous said...

ខ្មែររស់ ជាតិរស់​ ព្រោះខ្មែរស្នេហារជាតិយើងបានសាម្គីគ្នា!

ជយោ មហាសាម្គីនៃភាពក្លាហានរបស់វិរជនស្នេហារជាតិខ្មែរ!
ជយោ វិរជនស្នេហារជាតិខ្មែរដ៏អង្គអាចក្លាហាន!
ជយោ ព្លឺសេរីភាពរបស់ពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ!
ជយោ ពង្សាវតាខ្មែរអមតៈ!
ជយោ បូរណៈភាពជាតិទឹកដែខ្មែរអមតៈ!
ជយោ លទ្ធិប្រជាធិប្បតេយ្យ!
ជយោ គណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិ!

Anonymous said...

Jealousy are we? A typical yet old Cambodian mindset.
Praise for those who do good things. Don't sit there in front of your computer and let your fingers consumed your hatred.
Good job Theary and keep those pictures coming. You are our eyes and ears for overseas Khmer.

Anonymous said...

Mok mi theary soy choymin chngagmern=chriv thangleu krom,Salope!◘◘◘◘

Anonymous said...

Fuck Face Theary needs dicky.

Anonymous said...

KI is rapidly loosing all credibility by its uninformed and ignorant attacks on the King as well as by the continuous publication -in the style of Hello magazine or Marie Claire magazine- photos promoting Theary Seng, the infamous social butterfly of Phnom Penh. This is not about beautiful faces but about struggling for democracy. Shame on you KI