Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Let's Re-visit the Language Issues by Ms. Theary C. Seng -- Use of COMMAS

A Language in Crisis

By Theary C. SENG
The Phnom Penh Post, Aug. 16, 2011

The Cambodian language is dying: the spoken language is either crude and earthy (to the point of offensiveness) or highly stylized (to the point of incomprehension); the written language is in crisis from carelessness and lack of development, mummified from antiquity, rattled by modernity.

And no one is doing anything about it. 

[...] If used at all, the comma is inserted with great reluctance or inconfidence because its function is not widely understood. 

Use of COMMAS (,) in many languages, including Khmer:

Mainly, to avoid confusion (for clarity, because that is the goal of communication!), use commas to separate words and word groups with a series of three or more.

Examples of use of commas in established Khmer dictionaries:

Khmer dictionary by Venerable Chuon Nath, 1967

Use of commas in Law Dictionary, 1997
The Catholic University of America Press, Inc. 1977
Use of commas by the 1977 dictionary

More at


Anonymous said...

our khmer language of cambodia is not hard to learn and grasp, really. just learn how the small children of cambodia learn it from the start, and anybody who have the interest to learn khmer language can do so and surprise to find out how easy khmer language actually is. that said, of course, start withh the basic such as common pronunciation of khmer alphabets, vowels, and practice khmer sounds. learn to recognize and know the rule because khmer language do have specific rules and exceptions as well. and also learn to write khmer language by practice and pratice and practice doing it, you know. if small khmer children can do it, so can anyone if they are eager to learn and interested to learn khmer, anyone can do it, really. try it, it's easy and fun. i bet you can learn khmer in one year time. again, reciting khmer alphabets like the children of khmer people learn it from the beginning. keep practice and say it out loud until it becomes easy for all students of khmer language. like anythinge, one has to set their mind and dedicated their time to learn our khmer language. don't get discouraged or lazy by thinking it's hard or diffcult, it's not,really. always ask the educated, native khmer speakers for help in pronunciation, sounds, writing, etc, etc. enjoy learn, speaking and practice my khmer language. god bless all who show interest to learn khmer language. if khmer can learn english or french, etc, then all who reside, do business with cambodia should try to learn my khmer language. become an expert of khmer language, anyone can do it, really.

Anonymous said...

I remember when Chea Vannath told the staff at CSD that the downfall of Neang Seng Theary will be her push to use the commas in Khmer.

Anonymous said...

Khmer language, or Khmer is one of the easiest language in the world to learn, because it is
Leave the language alone.
Instead, the Cambodia problems. are caused by the absence of NATIONAL UNITY.
Let's work on Khmer unity !!!

Bouawat Sithi said...

Khmer language is not crisis. Ms. Theary Seng herself is in real crisis because of her own ignorance in the Khmer language. Each country on the globe has a unique way of communicating system based on its scholastic invention and creativities. This is the identity of each country. Ms. Teary Seng has the idea of changing the Khmer characters into the Roman ones. It is an arrogance and ignorance of hers.

Bouawat Sithi

Anonymous said...

I would like to said that our KHMER language was existed for over 2556 years, which was not like other existed languages. We need to keep on tradition and encourage our new generation to learn,and I know that we must teach them (new generation). Let them carry on our language that our ancister created for us to learn.

ខ្ញុំសូមសំណុំពរអោយបងប្មូនពូមីងតាយាយនិងមិត្តទាំងអស់គ្នាអោយយកចិត្តទុកដាក់ក្នុងការជួយបង្ហាត់បង្រៀនកូនចៅនៅបរិដ្ធានគ្របទីកន្លែង បើចង់លើកស្ទួយអោយជាតិយើងលេចត្រដាងអោយគេយកចិត្តទុកដាក់គឺមានតែយើងទេ។
ខ្ញុំសុំជូនពរជ័យអោយលោកអ្នកអោយបានសំរាច់ដូចប្រាថ្នា សូមលាសិនហើយ!!!។

Anonymous said...

The language is not dying because users did not master the usage of commas. A grammarian may need to clarify the rules or set up new rules which are just conventions.

The Khmer language is very subtle and richer than even English in grammar. One needs to be humble and to relearn to mater this language first before judging it.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with Khmer language. Theary, you pointed out in the wrong direction. You need to learn more about khmer language instead of criticizing about it.

Anonymous said...

Prove me wrong, why អាសី​មិននិយាយឫសរសេរជាស្មែរក្នុងការរិះគន់ស្ថាបនានេះ????

អាសីវាបែបចូលដល់វិបត្តិ Menopauseor (menshun)តើបងអូនមានថ្នាំជួយឪយនាងបានស្រួលទេ?ចឹងសុំចូយដាក់COMMA,ឲ្យនាងផង!!!បានទេ?


Anonymous said...

The easiest languages to study is Latin, es. English. Khmer language is not easy to learn, it is easy to only some body who already knew.
There are many Khmer Scholars in France, like Dr. Mak Pheuon, Dr. Michel Chai, Dr. ABDUL Carim Nasir, etc.. Why don't they reform?

I think Ms. Theary Seng is right on that.

We need a reform. We need a lot many more words to catch up this modern world. Indian and Thai, they two reformed except ours.

Anonymous said...

Ms Theary Seng,

Thank You for voicing your concern about Khmer language.

I firmly support your ideas trying to improve our Khmer language.

Khmer people should learn how to recognize mistake or imperfection and correct it accordingly.

I totally agree with you about the importance of commas.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

Theary Seng's ego is in permanent crisis and this is why KI readers have to put up with the constant re-publication of her diary entries and fotos

Anonymous said...

sounded like ms theary is more finicky about khmer punctuations. of course i think khmer punctuations such as marks, etc is confusing at first, that's because it's new to the student; however, once the student familiarizes self with them, it becomes easier, really. i way i look at it, it's like you learn about traffic law in another country such as driving right or left lanes, etc. khmer punctuation rules are different as well, but once you master it, it becomes easy for you, really. try it, and when have questions, then ask the right people, they can help to educate you on khmer language, khmer punctuations, etc, etc... don't get frustrated and discouraged over some punctuation mark, ok. there are more to cambodia than that, really! i get frustrated too when i first learn english as there are too many rules, exceptions, etc. plus what's all that verbal tenses in english? in khmer we don't have too many verb tenses, you know. i told you, khmer language and writing and reading, etc is really easy to learn. you have to have interestt and eagerness to llearn or you won't master it, you know. first ask yourself, are you eager and interested to learn khmer langauge? if yes, you have potential to learn it, if no, then forget it, really. i have eagerness and interest to learn khmer language, etc, so that's how i become knowledgeable about it, etc, you know. it starts with oneself, whether you are interested or eager or motivated to learn, then you will learn easily; otherwise, if will be a struggle like anything in life, ok. that said, of course, khmer language is open to evolution, adaptation, adoptation, borrowing, etc, etc... in fact that how khmer language has evolved from the beginning, i'm sure, it evolved with time as well, really! god bless the khmer language, khmer writing and khmer reading forever.

Anonymous said...

khmer language is not in crisis, theary seng is in crisis for saying and telling everybody that khmer language is in crisis, etc, i think.

Anonymous said...

khmer put emphasis on penmanship, i don't, i write very fast like a doctor's writing, you know. khmer writing, you have to develop your own penmanship, when it comes to writing in khmer, we all write different style, and it's ok to do so, really! at the advance level, you have to writing in your own way, very fast, really!

Anonymous said...

maybe khmer language can adopt the use of the comma like the english language uses it. i think it would be totally ok to evolve like that. the only issue is to get the department of education or ministry of education, youth and sports to agree to that, really.

Anonymous said...

my question is: what is the lack of comma usage in khmer language contributed to "khmer language in crisis" as stated by theary seng? explain in simple english or simple khmer. i think theary's topic title is misguiding. it's not true to say khmer language is in crisis, instead should say khmer language do not really use comma in the sentence like we see in the english language, you know. anyway, someone should major or master in khmer language, e.g. an a khmer language expert for a change, really.

Anonymous said...

they need to upgrade khmer dictionary every 10 years as khmer language do evolve with time, you know!

Anonymous said...

Khmer language rather use space instead of comma, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

i agree with 11:09pm.

Anonymous said...

សម្ដេចព្រសង្ឃរាជ ជួន ណាត បានតែង
វចនានុក្រមខ្មែរ ហើយឲ្យប្រើសញ្ញាក្បៀស
(,),(;),(!)។ល។និង។ល។ នេះមិនខុស
មកពីតែងវេយ្យករណ៍ ឬ ធ្វើវចនានុក្រមទេគឺ
សូមមើលវចនានុក្រមសម្ដេចសង្ឃ ជួន ណាត
Please read Khmer grammar and Khmer
dictionary by Samdach Chuon Nath.
Cambodian language has used comma
(,),(;),(.),(!),etc...too,but the writers did not use them.
It is the users faults,or writers

Anonymous said...

i think punctuation marks ought be used universally in cambodia as well, really. just like the number system is used interchangeably in khmer and arabic numbers, you know. khmer people can understand both ways, really. god bless the khmer language always.

Anonymous said...

To 9:09pm
Khmer language is fine and well.
Let's spend our time and efforts to solve the most URGENT PROBLEM, Yuon's annexation of OUR country.
After all, you and I do not want to speak Yuon language !

Anonymous said...

To all Khmer around the world please go to RFA Khmer, VOA Khmer, ABC Khmer and other Khmer website read along audio player and use Khmer online dictionary.


Anonymous said...

Those don't know say,those don't say know.

Anonymous said...

Lok Bouawat Sithi should read Khmer language newspapers and you will see the quality of Khmer language used there. Remember, what we write and how we talk reflect our identity. There's nothing wrong for Ms. Theary Seng to promote a better use of the Khmer language. In fact, it is the opposite that brings the demise of our language. When we have to pepper Khmer language with Sanskrit and Balei words, there is something to be said about that. In that regards, I would support the use of a clear and concise Khmer word that people in the street could easily understand. Yes, I would support Prof. Keng Vannsak's idea of simplifying our language.

Currently, we might say that using Sanskrit and Balei is OK in Khmer language, what would happen a few hundred years down the road when our language will be peppered with French and English words? We have to think about that now and not be complacent with the status quo. Remember also that currently, the use of several Sanskrit and Balei words were drilled down on us by the Khmer Rouge regime.

That's something to think about before dismissing someone's else suggestion.

That's my 2 riels opinion!


Anonymous said...

To 8:28pm,

Latin may or may not be the easiest language to learn, but Latin is dead.
Any languages in the world that are phonetic are the easiest to learn.
Khmer language is among this group.
Chinese, including Mandarin is probably one of the hardest.
The Romance languages, English, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese are harder to learn than Khmer.
English is popular and universal for different and other reasons.

Sometimes, when one is unhappy with Khmer leaders, one tends to think anything Khmer is not good or good enough.

University Professor
Southern California

Anonymous said...

"Sometimes, when one is unhappy with Khmer leaders, one tends to think anything Khmer is not good or good enough."

Samdech Sangh Chuon Nath would turn in his grave if he heard this! After all, he tinkered with the Khmer language all the time to make it better.

Well, maybe he was an anti-Sihanouk rebel of his time?

Ironically yours,

Factory worker
South Minnie Street,
Santa Ana slum

Anonymous said...

Khmer language is not in crisis. Cambodia is in crisis, because of the dumb DICTATOR, and the most corrupted government in PP right now.

Anonymous said...

(មើល 1120ដង) KHMERNOW , 14-9-2011 10:02

មានខ្មោចប្រុសមួយ អាស្រ័យក្នុងទីមួយ បានឃើញប្រពន្ធអ្នកចំការម្នាក់ក៏កើតកួចចិត្ត ប្រតិព័ទ្ធស្រឡាញ់នាងនោះ លុះណាប្ដីនាងមិននៅ អាខ្មោចនោះ វាប្លែងកាយនិមិ្មតជា រូបប្តីនាង លុះពេលប្តីនាងមិននៅ អាខ្មោចនោះ វាប្លែងកាយនិមិត្តជារូបប្តីនាងទៅដេក នឹងនាងនោះៗក៍សំគាល់ជាប្តីរបស់អាត្មាដោយមិនដឹងជាខ្មោចប្លែងឡើយព្រោះដូចគ្នា ណាស់។ ឯខ្មោចនោះតែបានឱកាស គឺអ្នកចំការមិននៅហើយ វាក៍តែង ប្លែងកាយជា រូបប្តីមកដេកនៅនឹងនាង ជារឿយៗរាល់កាលនោះហោង លុះយូរបន្តិចមកចៅប្តីនោះ

ទៅព្រៃឯអាខ្មោច វាប្លែងមកដេក ជាមួយនាងនៅក្នុងផ្ទះ ដល់ពេលចៅប្តីមកផ្ទះ ក៍បាន ឃើញរូបខ្មោចដូចជារូបខ្លួន ដេកជាមួយប្រពន្ធខ្លួនដូច្នោះ ក៍ខឹងមហិមា ស្ទុះទៅចាប់អា ខ្មោចៗក៍ឈ្លោះតបថា យើងជាប្តីនាងនេះ ផ្ទះនេះជាផ្ទះរបស់យើងហេតុអ្វី ចៅមកចាប់ យើងជាម្ចាស់ផ្ទះយើងវិញ ចៅឯង មកពីទីស្ថានណា មិនដឹងជា យើងប្តីនាងនេះទេឫ។ ឯចៅប្តីក៍ឈ្លោះតបថា ផ្ទះនេះជាផ្ទះរបស់យើង នាងនោះសោត ក៍ជាប្រពន្ធរបស់យើង ហេតុអ្វីចៅមកថាជា របស់ខ្លួនដូច្នោះ។ ខ្មោច និងមនុស្ស ក៍ឈ្លោះដណ្ដើមគ្នាជាប្រពន្ធ ទៅវិញទៅមក ជាកលាហលឡើង ឯនាងជាប្រពន្ធ ក៍មិនដឹងរូបប្រុសណា ជាប្តីរបស់ ខ្លួនព្រោះរូបរាងដូចគ្នាសុទ្ធគ្នាណាស់ នឹងអាកាត់ថា រូបណាជាប្តីរបស់ខ្លួនពុំបានព្រោះ ចៅខ្មោចនឹងមនុស្សកើតជាអធិករណ៍នឹងគ្នាទើបបាននាំគ្នាទៅកាន់សាលាវិនិច្ឆ័យដល់ ហើយក៍ចូលប្តឹង តាមរឿងនោះ។ ឯចៅក្រមខាងជាន់ក្រោម ពុំអាចកាត់ក្តី នឹងគ្នាបាន ព្រោះសាក្សី គឺស្រីកណ្ដាលនោះឱ្យការមិនធ្លុះទៅបាន ទើបនាំរឿងក្តីនោះឡើងប្តឹងទៅ ដល់រូបលោកអ្នកធំជាន់ខ្ពស់ គឺលោកអ្នកប្រាជ្ញៗ ក៍ហៅចៅទាំងពីរ ចូលទៅជិតហើយ លោកពិនិត្យមើលរូប មើលមុខមាត់ចៅខ្មោចនោះ ក៍យល់ស្គាល់ ជាមនុស្ស ជាខ្មោច ព្រោះភ្នែកខ្មោចយក្ស ឥតស្រមោលកូនក្រមុំ ហើយច្រើនរឹង ហេតុនោះទើបអ្នកប្រាជ្ញ លោកស្គាល់បានតែ លោកនឹងកាត់ថា អានេះជាខ្មោច ប្លែងរូបជាមនុស្សដូច្នេះទៅ ក៍ពុំប្រាកដ ដល់ភ្នែក អ្នកឯទៀតៗឡើយ ទើបលោកយក ដបស្រា១មកតាំងនៅលើ តុហើយវិនិច្ឆ័យឡើង ថាហៃចៅទាំង ២ ដែលវិវាទគ្នា អើគ្រានេះយើងនឹងវិនិច្ឆ័យ ដោយយុតិ្តធម៌ឱ្យគឺយើង តាំងពិសោធនឹងដបនេះថាបើរូបណាក្លាហានអាចចូលក្នុង ដបនេះបានរូបនោះហើយ ជាប្តីនាងនោះមែន យើងក៍នឹងប្រគល់នាងនោះឱ្យជាប្រពន្ធ ពិតថាបើរូបណា ចូលដប នោះពុំបានទេអើយើងទុករូបនោះថាពុំមែនជាប្តីនាងពុំមែន ជាម្ចាស់របស់នោះ ឡើយ។ ឯចៅមនុស្សនោះ បានឭលោកអ្នកប្រាជ្ញ ដាក់ទុកដូច្នោះ ក៍តក់ស្លុត ភិតភ័យដោយ គិតថាខ្លួនជាមនុស្សនឹងចូលដបស្រាតូចមួយនេះឯណា បាន ក្តីចាញ់នោះចំពោះនឹង បានដល់ខ្លួនប្រាកដហើយ ម្លោះហើយក៍ឈរសំពះនៅ ហោង។ ឯអាខ្មោចលុះឭអ្នក ប្រាជ្ញតាំងឱ្យ ចូលដល់ដបស្រាដូច្នោះ ក៍ត្រេកអរក្នុងចិត្ត ដោយគិត ថាខ្លួនជាខ្មោច ឥតឆ្អឹង សាច់ សម្រេចដោយរិទ្ធិនិមិត្តជាខ្យល់ បានទើបទទួលចូលដប កាលនឹងចូល នោះចៅខ្មោចឡើងទៅតុ ហើយបង្អោនក្បាលសម្របរូបតូច ចូលក្នុងដប បាននោះហោង។ ឯអ្នកប្រាជ្ញ កាលបើយល់ ខ្មោចចូលក្នុងដប ដូច្នោះក៍ យកឆ្នុកចុកដប នោះ ជាប់ហើយលើកឡើងប្រកាសប្រាប់អស់មហាជនទាំងឡាយថា អ្នកទាំងឡាយ ចូលដឹងថា អានេះជាខ្មោច វាប្លែងខ្លួនធ្វើជាមនុស្ស មកធ្វើអំពើបរទារកម្ម យ៉ាងនេះយើង ពិសោធនេះ ដើម្បីឱ្យដឹងថា អាណាជាប្តីនាងនេះមែន ។ មនុស្សយើងធម្មតាឯណា នឹងចូលដបស្រានេះបាន ឥឡូវនេះ យើងរកក្តីពិតឃើញហើយ នាងនេះ ត្រូវប្រគល់ ទៅឱ្យចៅដើមចោទនោះចុះ ឯអាខ្មោចនេះ ទុកនៅស្រុកនេះពុំបានទេ។

Anonymous said...

(មើល 1681ដង) KHMERNOW , 14-9-2011 09:06

អាសុនជាសិស្សឆ្លាតតែរៀនមិនដែលបានពិន្ទុល្អសោះថ្ងៃមួយអ្នកគ្រូកំពុងពន្យល់អំពី មេសូត្ររត់មាត់ស្តីអំពីការប្រៀនប្រដៅដល់កសិករ: កូនអើយ រកស៊ី កកាយធរណី ប្រពៃ កន្លង ធ្វើស្រែយកស្រូវ មួយឆ្នាំបីដង …គ្រូក៏សួរសិស្សថា : តើសិស្សដឹងទេ ថានរណាជា អ្នករកស៊ីក កាយធរណី? អាសុនលើកដៃហើយឆ្លើយដោយមិនបាច់គិត : បាទអ្នកគ្រូ អ្នកដែលរកស៊ីកកាយធរណីគឺមាន់។ ថ្ងៃមួយទៀតអ្នក គ្រូពន្យល់ អំពីមេរៀនប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រ

អ្នកគ្រូពន្យល់ថា: “នរណាលក់ទឹកលក់ដី ជាតិរបស់ខ្លួនគឺជា មនុស្សក្បត់ នឹងជាតិរបស់ ឯង។ ”អាសុនមកដល់ផ្ទះពេលកំពុងទទួលទាន បាយជួបជុំក្រុមគ្រួសារអាសុន ក៏និយាយ ប្រាប់ឪពុកវាថា: ពុកឯងជាជនក្បត់ជាតិ ឪពុកខឹងយ៉ាងខ្លាំងក៏សួរទៅ អាសុនវិញ “ហេតុអី ឯងនិយាយអញ្ចឹង” ។ អាសុន ឆ្លើយវិញថា: នរណាលក់ទឹកលក់ដីជាជនក្បត់ជាតិហើយខ្ញុំ ឃើញពុកឯងអូស ទឹកលក់ជា រៀងរាល់ថ្ងៃ។” នៅពេលចុងក្រោយឆ្នាំ អាសុនត្រូវបាន ទទួលចំណាត់ថ្នាក់លេខ ៤៥ ក្នុងចំណោម សិស្ស ៤៨ នាក់ ឪពុកមិន សប្បាយចិត្តក៏សួរ អាសុនថា : ហេតុម្តេចក៏ឯងរៀន ខ្សោយម៉្លេះ ? អាសុន ឆ្លើយថា : “គ្រាន់តែបានលេខ ៤៥ អា៣ នាក់ដែលចាញ់ខ្ញុំវាច្រណែនស្ទើរតែស្លាប់ ទៅហើយទំរាំតែ លេខ ១ វិញតើអា ៤៧ នាក់ទៀតវាធ្វើបាប ខ្ញុំយ៉ាងណាទៅ ។

Anonymous said...

your story is very good but can you explain what this ប្លែង word means?

Baay Kdaing

Anonymous said...

7:51 AM
It can not be dead when many are still using Latin every day. Roman Catholic Priests I saw at the Vatican speak Latin fluently. Not even that, many students and Scholars still speak it.

It is crazy to say "Sometimes, when one is unhappy with Khmer leaders, one tends to think anything Khmer is not good or good enough."

What does "Khmer language that needs to be reformed has anything to do with the leaders or the slaves?

You did not make any sense at all.

We need to create new words to be used. The Late Choun Nath did it, but we need to invent more words.

I didn't know who was Chun Nath, but from what I read about him, he created a lot of words.

Theary Sengs presents this very important issue, and at least take time to study before accusing her.

Anonymous said...

how can it be dying when it has lasted since before ms seng's great, great, grand parents were even born. and she was just introduced back to khmer language just so recently!

ms seng, please forgive my ignorance and laziness in using proper english.

Anonymous said...

if you can learn chinese and english, then you can also learn khmer language. khmer language is really easy to learn, actually. please don't get discouraged or afraid to learn khmer. khmer language is one of the most beautiful languages of the world, really. you have to practice speaking it to appreciate what i'm saying here, really. try it, it's fun and easy, really. plus, when our foreign guest try a little bit to speak khmer to us, it can put a nice smile on our khmer faces to hear our foreign friends try to speak our khmer language, really. plus, khmer people can help you to speak it correctly too if you try, really.

Anonymous said...

ខ្លួនឯងអត់ទាំថចេះភាសាខ្មែរផង ចេះដល់រិះគន់ ហាស់ ហាស់...

Anonymous said...

Who cares!.. i don't need khmer language any more, change it to vietnamese soon.....seng theary herself known a little bit of cambodian... why wanna change? PH-D SOMDECH DEYCHO LA'NGONG HUN SEN,BUN RANI AND MOHA AH LA'NGONG Tep Vong, CHEA SIM,HENG SOM RIN BUNDET wouldn't let SENG THEARY DO IT.

Anonymous said...

To 10:23am,

Your country is being benignly occupied by Yuon, and you are busy trying to change your country's language.
Just like you are busy arranging the chairs on the Tinanic a few minutes before the catastrophe.
Let's leave our Khmer language alone.
The national election is about 360 days away

Anonymous said...

I think Theary should stick to what she knows best. I agree with Bouawat Sithi and others that Ms Theary herself is in crisis. Khmer language has been used many many years fro the past and I am sure that it will continue to survive, event though today all the so called new graduate using by mixing up with the English language. Khmer had been used to build Angkor and other Khmer capital cities in the past.

Theary, you should leave this matter to others who are much better than you.It is a big mistake to think that no one do anything except you. At the mean time, try to perfect your Khmer language same as you have perfected your English. Do not compare the two, Khmer is Khmer, English is English.

Anonymous said...

She does not speak Khmer right even if she lives for longer than 10 years. She took someone's... to make it as her own concern. Nice attempt, in reality she should get her life straight...

Anonymous said...

Seng Theary, you speak too much!!!!

Anonymous said...

12:46 PM
Vietnamese (or Yue or Yuon or Yuan)'s real languages were in Chinese characters. Yuon changed them to Latin characters. So Yuon in fact invented or borrowed new languages taking from others like expanding their land by genocidal upon its neighboring countries.

Khmer, Thai, Lao and Burmese languages borrowed from Indic languages (South Indian). This region was once was Khmer empire including Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Burma, Malaysia, Singapore, and today Ho Chi Minh City) created by the South Indian men (Varaman kings). Those Indian men (varaman kings) brought their own languages to be used in the empire.
Furthermore, Khmers still borrowed so many words from others. Why not trying to invent more words to catch up this modern society like other nations?

Crude words used by crude and uncivilized/ barbaric people like Hun Sen and his crude uncivilized friends and families should not be used as ever again. These people are living in old times and they are primitive still.

Khmers borrowed languages from others and why not trying to invent more? Thai Kings invented so many words and their language is well knwon throughout the world through Google.

Theary Seng is so right, and she should fight and keep raising this issue be known throughout the world.

I knew from Chuon Nath's works, Khmer languages have been reformed many times, but he is no longer here to invent more words according to this modern hi-tech, we are here that should.

Go on Theary and don't be discouraged by some primitive groups.

Anonymous said...

While discussing about this, don't forget that Yuon are penh Srok Khmer.

Without Cambodia, we don't need to discuss about Khmer language.

It is all right to discuss about this langusge issue but don't forget about Ah Thmil Yuon who have always trying to finish Cambodia off.

Anonymous said...

11:07 PM
I can top on that.
While Khmers called Yuon Communists as T'Mils, there are million Khmer T'Mils are also in power.

Cambodia led by T'Mils and invaded by T'Mils whom the world know them as SATINS or DEVILS, the second powerful Spirits in the Universe.

Can a Man, a great teacher known as "Buddha defeat them? Did He have or Is He given a power to defeat the T'Mils/SATINS or Devils?

A Supreme Almighty GOD (Brahma) in Hindusim was abandonned by Khmers, so WHO will save Khmers and their little Kingdom that already fallen to the T'Mils (Yuon)?

Keep on cursing GOD as you all wish, but what it's been done is done.

Anonymous said...

t'mil or evil or devil or satin all the same just in different language, you know. to rid of t'mil, it is called cleansing, and cleansing doesn't mean killing like the stupid, primitive KR regime misused this term, it means undo the evil. no killing is allowed anymore in cambodia. let's play by the rule of law cambodia from now on, no more primitive, evil is allowed in cambodia, ok! buddha is good too, but sometimes, t'mil used buddha to hide behind the good name of buddha, etc, you know. so to prevent that, cambodia and khmer people with the help of all the good forces of the world out there, must help to cleanse cambodia from evilness or t'mil, really. that's how cambodia and khmer people will become better again, really. please let the good force help cambodia to rid or cleanse the evilness forces from cambodia once and for all, ok. god bless cambodia always.

yes, cambodia must choose god, the good, and stop making mistake by choosing the wrong one, the evil or t'mil, ok! wake up cambodia, get educated already, ok! there no such thing as too late, life goes on and on and on forever as long as the sun and moon still exist in the universe, you know. so stop saying too late again, ok. time for cambodia and khmer people to wake up and reform our thinking, our country, our way, etc, etc, ok! let's choose the right choice and stop making the same old mistake over and over again, ok! education will make us think smarter, and clever and wise and enlightened. so use education too, realy!

Anonymous said...


The Khmer language is NOT in crisis, but Cambodia is !!!
Soon, Khmers will learn Yuon language ?

Anonymous said...

Comrade Theary,

If it wasn't for Khmer Rouge reign,by now,Theary was probably fluent in Chinese not English and doing loan shark in Nom Benh.

1-Comma isn't part of Khmer script,
2-the convenience and in space saving for type setting for print, 3- many intellectuals included Abbot Chuon Nath who were multi languists)saw no disadvantage in employing it,
4-Comma was to replace double tab(space out) in modern Khmer key board which is usually for a breath or in citation of somethings in a phrase/sentence. Thus the use of comma in writing becomes of something like using word Cafe,Allo,ម្សៅស៊ុប ឫ ខោស្លីបវា

The unbecoming of Theary Seng is a reflection of her true Sino root.

If it wasn't for Khmer Rouge reign and opportunity in buying Khao I Dang refugee camp ID,by now,Theary was probably fluent in Chinese not English and doing loan shark everyday in Nom Benh.

Anonymous said...

Best way to put it,is Khmer feminity/identity in crisis when people like Theary using not cloth or rags but Tampon,Tampax or even birth control pills or IUD or condom for protection?

I wonder if she really thinks before she says.
Isn't the Conveneince that made her become who and what she is now,duh?

Anonymous said...

Leave Khmer language untouched.
The COUNTRY of the Khmer language is in crisis !!!

Anonymous said...


Bloggers, in a forum such as this, range from
high school dropouts to laureate university professors.
Who are YOU anyway to label them as
" primitive groups " ?

Anonymous said...

For God sake, just change these wormly letters into using the Roman alphabet. They are borrowed from Indian writings anyways, so borrow writing system from a foreign country that is easy to learn and write.

Anonymous said...

You are not a good Khmer
Why don't you change yourself to a Roman ?

Anonymous said...

for your info, in the 1940s, french colonial administrators tried in vain to turn khmer language and writing into romanized like viet/youn's we see today, but they failed miserably, really. the reason? majority of khmer statesmen and good, real khmer patriots just did not allow or support that idea, you know. so give it up because khmer language is fine since the way it evolved since its conception over 2000 years ago, you know. may the good god bless and protect cambodia and our beautiful khmer language, khmer writing, khmer identity and so forth forever.

Anonymous said...

why is it better to convert from your own scripts to roman characters? did you see problem in the yuon word "dung"?
youns pronounce it "zung" while the elite english speakers like ms seng pronounce it like shit (dung, as in cow dung).

Anonymous said...

and it does not matter how many commas were used, a dung is a dung, ms seng -and that's no bull-dung to you!

Anonymous said...

5:54 AM

What is a good Khmer or a bad Khmer? You cannot make any sense at all.

The origin languages that we speak are still the same except that we can reform version of the script, changed from (Indian alphabets) to Latin like Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Yuon etc.

We never had anything from the beginning, we borrowed from Brahmi script of India since in 12th century until present. How about before, what scripts did we use?

Anonymous said...

I think we have enough of Ms Seng Theary's
We should spend our time and efforts about
" A Country in Crisis ".
