Thursday, January 12, 2012

អភិវឌ្ឍន៏ សម័យ តេ-ចោរ - Development-a-la Hun Xen

អភិវឌ្ឍន៏ សម័យ តេ-ចោរ
អភិវឌ្ឍន៏ សម័យ ចោរ

Mother and children dragged out violently by the cops and sent to Prey Speu detention center (All photos: The Phnom Penh Post)
Children are crying when faced by terror imposed by the cops

Children sleeping on the ground while their mothers protest
A woman passed out after confrontation with the cops
People cried when they are shoved in a bus to be taken to the Prey Speu detention center
A protester was dragged by the cops. She will be taken to Prey Speu detention center


Anonymous said...

Dear Khmer, this is far enough, lets stand together as one from all walk of life to bring down this regime. I think it is time that we all come out and fight. This is the only way. Stop crying or raising these three clowns picture and beg for help, it is useless. We must fight. If you start, it will populate to a mass protest which will lead to international attention. When that happen, we will win.

Khmer CA

Anonymous said...

អាឆ្កែយួន ហ៊ុន សែន

អាចោរលួចគោ អាចោរលួចជាតិ

Anonymous said...

We Khmer from inside and also outside of Cambodia did not understand so well the real emocracy, because we only copy this word from the western world.
We have to build this democracy by ourselves and not copy from other.

Anonymous said...

Samdach Decho Hun Sen said: "Where are the fucken Lotus and Jasmine Revolution shit? Aren't they cowards or what?

If these don't make them raise up their revolution shit. It will never ever happen in my Kingdom of wonder because they are shit and coward already! Unlike me I lost my eye for the revolution in the fight. Who is the real coward now fuckers?

Anonymous said...

Samdach Decho Hun Sen said: "Where are the fucken Lotus and Jasmine Revolution shit? Aren't they cowards or what?

If these don't make them raise up their revolution shit. It will never ever happen in my Kingdom of wonder because they are shit and coward already! Unlike me I lost my eye for the revolution in the fight. Who is the real coward now fuckers?

Anonymous said...

Samdach Decho Hun Sen said: "Where are the fucken Lotus and Jasmine Revolution shit? Aren't they cowards or what?

If these don't make them raise up their revolution shit. It will never ever happen in my Kingdom of wonder because they are shit and coward already! Unlike me I lost my eye for the revolution in the fight. Who is the real coward now fuckers?

Anonymous said...

Samdach Decho Hun Sen said: "Where are the fucken Lotus and Jasmine Revolution shit? Aren't they cowards or what?

If these don't make them raise up their revolution shit. It will never ever happen in my Kingdom of wonder because they are shit and coward already! Unlike me I lost my eye for the revolution in the fight. Who is the real coward now fuckers?

Anonymous said...

Samdach Decho Hun Sen said: "Where are the fucken Lotus and Jasmine Revolution shit? Aren't they cowards or what?

If these don't make them raise up their revolution shit. It will never ever happen in my Kingdom of wonder because they are shit and coward already! Unlike me I lost my eye for the revolution in the fight. Who is the real coward now fuckers?

Anonymous said...

Samdach Decho Hun Sen said: "Where are the fucken Lotus and Jasmine Revolution shit? Aren't they cowards or what?

If these don't make them raise up their revolution shit. It will never ever happen in my Kingdom of wonder because they are shit and coward already! Unlike me I lost my eye for the revolution in the fight. Who is the real coward now fuckers?

Anonymous said...

Samdach Decho Hun Sen said: "Where are the fucken Lotus and Jasmine Revolution shit? Aren't they cowards or what?

If these don't make them raise up their revolution shit. It will never ever happen in my Kingdom of wonder because they are shit and coward already! Unlike me I lost my eye for the revolution in the fight. Who is the real coward now fuckers?

Anonymous said...

Samdach Decho Hun Sen said: "Where are the fucken Lotus and Jasmine Revolution shit? Aren't they cowards or what?

If these don't make them raise up their revolution shit. It will never ever happen in my Kingdom of wonder because they are shit and coward already! Unlike me I lost my eye for the revolution in the fight. Who is the real coward now fuckers?

Anonymous said...

4:05 PM កុំឡប់ភ្លើពេក

អា ហ៊ុន សែន វាខ្វាក់ភ្នែកម្ខាង ដោយសារធ្វើជាចោរលួចគោអ្នកស្រុក ហើយគេដេញវ៉ៃ វាក៏រត់ទៅជល់និងមែកត្របែកខ្វាក់ទេ


Anonymous said...

It is overdue to take this Viet slave, Hun Sen, and his gang down.
Cambodia claims to have 14 millions people, why do they allow these few handful people to destroy their nation is beyond belief.
The only way to take Hun Sen down is with the bullets on his forehead by long range sharp shooters. Do we have a couple dozens of them among 14 millions people?
Forget about winning him through election, it is fixed for him to win.

Anonymous said...

It is overdue to take this Viet slave, Hun Sen, and his gang down.
Cambodia claims to have 14 millions people, why do they allow these few handful people to destroy their nation is beyond belief.
The only way to take Hun Sen down is with the bullets on his forehead by long range sharp shooters. Do we have a couple dozens of them among 14 millions people?
Forget about winning him through election, it is fixed for him to win.

Anonymous said...

Why Hun Sen did not order to evacuate YOUN from CHHNOK TRU, CHHONG KHNEAS and other area.. even YOUN cause alots of polution and anarchy..

YOUN have broaden right than Khmer in Srok Khmer.....shamefull....

It's to vote for change KHMER EUY!,

Anonymous said...

I want to see those who are responsible for causing those tragedy to get whatever punishment in the future...

Anonymous said...

The West claimed that KR regime was closed to the outside world that was why they could not help the millions of victims. That was bullshit.
Because now it is wide open for the whole world to see the misery of poor people in front of their eyes, but they did not do shit.

Anonymous said...

5:17 PM

Very simple because those Yuons will vote for Ah Hun Sen, the Viet slave.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen yap chieng Chey Chetha II tov tiet. Yang horch nass Chey Chetha ban choy konduoy Princess Yuon. Ah Hun Sen chea chker yuon sot sath.

Anonymous said...

The question is "where are the Human Right groups, UN, NATO, America for the victims?"

sreyute said...

របប កំណាចសែន កាន់តែបញ្ចេញភាពសាហាវយង់ឃ្នង ថោកទាប គ្មានមនុស្សធម៌។
លំនៅគេជាជីវិតគេ យកផ្ទះគេដូចជាយកជីវិតគេ,ពួកអាឈ្មួញចិត្តនរក លោភលន់គ្មានមេត្តា ធ្វើមានធ្វើបានលើគំនរទុក្ខ និងទឹកភ្នែកអ្នកដ៏ទៃ។
រដ្ឋអំណាចមាននាទីការពាររាស្រ្ត បែជារួមគំនិតជាមួយពួកប្រេតទំាងនោះ តើរាស្ត្ររំពឹងលើអ្វី?
សូមអំពាវនាវដល់ជនរួមជាតិ ដែលស្រលាញ់យុត្តិធម៌ មេត្តាជួយគាំទ្រដល់ជនរងគ្រោះ តាមរយះការឧបត្តម្ភដល់សកម្មជន នយោបាយ សិទិ្ធមនុស្ស ដែលមានឧត្តមគតិពិតប្រាកដ
ក្នុងការពារជនរងគ្រោះ រឺក៏មធ្យោបាយណាមួយដែលយើងមាន។

Anonymous said...

The hanoi-cpp is communist 101 !

Hanoi must go, just like japan ruling over korea for 35 years.

Hanoi must leave cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Hun Sen can't build a real democracy for our country Cambodia, because the 2 neighbors countries Thai and Viet did not want, that Cambodia has a real Democracy.
The full democracy in Cambodia will harm Thailand and Vietnam, because we have a lot of the Khmer Descents live in Thailand and Vietnam. It will destroy the stability in both countries. Thailand and Vietnam will split out in many parts like the former Yugoslavia.

Anonymous said...

Yes, as Hun Sen said where are the lotus and jasmine revolution against his regime?

Why do Khmer people allow themselve as victims for so long? Are Cambodian people now like to live their live as animal? No one can help Cambodians if Cambodians can't help themselve. That's the Law of this Earth.

Anonymous said...

8:16 PM

Cambodians have a dream that America will save them from the unjust.

Cambodians have a dream that Human Right USA organizations will save them from these unjust.

And Cambodians are keep dreamming without their own action. As is...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Khmer must remember that today the country is controlling by Youn. For Khmer misery, they don't care, they don't care and they don't care. We must understand that things have roots and ramification. The absolute of the origin enter into the relativity of manifestation. If the roots is good, if it is knowledge, reality and idea become true, consciousness become right, the man will be cultivated, and further, the house will be regulated, the state in order, the world at peace. From the son of heaven to a common man EDUCATION is the root. He who is the leader in the ignorant state, people will be in misery as we have seen in Cambodian daily life; but when the country is running by an educated man with a high ethical consciousness, people will be flower in the whole country; for example Singapore.
All what we have seen transmit a message all what we have seen, this is a fact, the image of CPP’s government, Hun Sen’s low consciousness; corruption dept to the bone, King’s a political object; Sihanouk’s stupidity, the show of Kem Sokha, Mom Sonangdo, Pa Gnounn Tieng, Seng theary…, land evictions, people misery, unemployment rates, poor education system, Youn immigrants, and so many more… are simply a Youn‘s VIETNAMITIZATION. The real visible show has started since January 7, 1979 until today covered by the deadly blade wheel of “Development”. Development has begun; nothing can stop this deadly wheel, direct intervention can no longer fruitful. It comes too late. The disastrous result has already happened. The thread, violence have been applied with hypocrisies. What is present in the germ can be guided in a different direction or encouragement to defend rights as the people. Her is the decisive action is possible. People power is mighty. The human must be made to flow; it is from them that everything else follows. The experience has been tested in the Middle East. THE REVOLUTION IS A MUST FOR KHMER FURUTRE!
Buddha said: “The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you, depend on no one. Only the moment you reject all help are you freed.”

Anonymous said...

If you hate Hun Sen so much, why don't you devote your life to kill him. I don't believe he can get rid of this attempt because he approach to common peope nowaday. you can use sniper or suicide bomb. You are cowardie as well, just blambe, insult like cowardie......

Anonymous said...

Those cops are so aggressive toward these helpless people. Where are the young strong men, who can run faster, aim further,....those that can fight back? I only see women with children and old ladies are in the front line of this protest. These are peaceful protestors. I hate to see the cops use excessive force on them. I wish more people all over would come together and help them out.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

If live are not value by CPP, are we going to let it go and promote them to hurt our people more. Talking is great, but doing nothing is bad. All Khmers around the world you must start to implement the real plan attack CPP in 2012. Yes, don't wait. ///

Anonymous said...

អាហុនណាលអាខ្វាងមក្ខអាចោលួចគោអាចោលួចគោ ពួកអាឈាមខ្មៅអាឈាមឆ្លើងពួកអាអេងធ្វើបានខ្មែរដលណាទៀតពួកអាក្ប​តជាតិអាក្ចឺសយួនថ្ងៃណាមួយអាដែងស្លាប់គ្មានដីកប់ទេពួកអាក្បត់ជាតិអាក្បត់ជាតិពួកអគណបក្សប្រជាជនទាំងអស់សុទ្ឋតែខួរក្បាលបង្កង ពួកអាដែងឥតមានខួរក្បាលខ្មែរទេ សុទ្ឋតែពួកអាឈាមឆ្លើង។អំពីអញវិរជនខ្មែរ

Anonymous said...

ពួកអាឈាមឈ្លើង ថ្ងៃអន្សាអស់ឯងជិតចូលមក
ដល់ហើយ​ ពួកជនក្បត់ប្រទេសជាតិនឹងត្រូវរលាយ

ពួកឯងចាំមើលចុះឈាមស្រែកស្បែកហៅ អំពើព្រៃ

ក្រោកឈរឡើងកូនខ្មែរទាំងក្រុងចម្ការ ក្រោកឡើង
ខ្ចាត់ខ្ចាយចេញឆ្ងាយពីកម្ពុជា ការពារខេមរាទឹកដី
ថ្លៃថ្លា តាំងពីបុរាណថ្កើងថ្កាន ក្សេមក្សាន្តគង់វង្ស

Anonymous said...

we have no question ask about Samdech Akka Moha Sena Techo,Five gold starts Hun Sen from Hanoi!
Sangkhum Khmer Niyum Vietnam?
Sangkhum Khmer Niyum Chinese?
First Khmer Rouge Pol Pot !
Vietnam help and than Chinese help?
Second Khmer Rouge that Hun sen Said:"
Do not want Khmer Rouge come back in power",but we already got the second khmer Rouge in power in Phnom Penh since Jan. 07 ,1979.
See Hun Sen regime first Vietnam help and than Chinese help the same the second? The Sam Pol Pot, first Vietnam help and than Chinese help,nothing difference!
All are Khmer Rouge, Pol Pot and Hun Sen, both serve Vietnam and Chinese?and kill Khmer for Vietnam and Chinese the same.
And King Sihanouk Stayed in China the same.

Anonymous said...

Are all these cops have heart toward small children at all? What are they going to say if this kind of action happens to their own children?

Oh God, please help our poor people!

Anonymous said...

យួននិងពួកអាក្រុមក្បត់ សី ហនុនិងអា ហ៊ុន សែនបានរួមគំនិតនិងកម្លាំងចូលមកសម្លាប់ខ្មែរយើងជាថ្មីម្តងទៀតហើយ, ពួកវាជាក្រុម ប៉ុល បតទីពីរ ដូច្នេះសូមកូនខ្មែរប្រុងប្រយ័ត្នកុំភ្លេចខ្លួនអោយសោះ។ យើងត្រូវតែនាំគ្នាយកកាំបិត,ពូថោះ, ចប,ប៉ែល,អង្រែ,ដំបង,ដុំថ្ម,ជំពាមកៅស៊ូ និងកាំភ្លើងបាញ់បំបែកក្បាលពួកវាវិញ បើយើងមិននាំគ្នាតដៃជាមួយពួកវាទេនោះពួកវានឹងកាប់សម្លាប់ខ្មែរយើ

Anonymous said...

ត្រូវទាមទារសិទ្ធរស់ កុំសុំគេរស់។

Anonymous said...

នគរថ្កើងប្លែក ល្អមើលតែភ្នែក ក្នុងចិត្តរងកម្ម...
ទាំងអស់នេះបានមកដោយសារ ៧មករា!!!!

Anonymous said...